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Chow Lung Ha (garnalen met kreeftsaus)

1 pound grote garnalen

1/4 pound varkensgehakt

2 eieren


3 bosuitjes in stukken van ca. 3 cm lang, incl. groen

2 plakjes gemberwortel

1 gehakte teen knoflook


1 theelepel. suiker

2 theelepel. maïzena

1 theelepel. Gezouten gefermenteerde sojabonen, gewassen en gekneusd

1 theelepel. donkere sojasaus

1/2 cup kipbouillon


2 Eetlepel olie

2 Eetlepel sherry
  • Omschrijving recept: Garnalengerechten; Schaaldiergerechten; Sausjes; Chinees
  • Bron: Michael J. Troher


Crack eggs into a bowl and break yolks with a fork, (Don't beat well).

Mix together ingredients in Group III and put aside.

Have all the other ingredients cut and ready. Shrimp should be peeled and deviated.

Heat wok hot and dry. Add the oil, ginger and garlic to brown. Add the ground pork and stir fry for 2 minutes. Add the scallions.

Put in the shrimp and stir fry until cooked through, about 2 minutes.

Pour in the sherry and cover at once. Steam cook 1 minute more.

Lift cover and stir in sauce mixture in Group III. Cook until sauce thickens.

Pour the eggs over the shrimp evenly. Don't stir.

Cover, reduce heat and allow the eggs to stiffen.

Serve over rice