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Fish Veracruz


1 1/2 Pounds rode snapper of heilbotfilet

1/2 Cup limoensap

1/2 Teaspoon zout


2 Tablespoons olie

1 Cup ui in plakjes

1 Cup groene paprika in repen

3 Cloves fijngehakte knoflook

1/3 Cup droge witte wijn

2 1/2 Cups (24 Oz. Jar) milde dikke salsa (Mild Thick & Chunky Salsa)

1/2 Cup tomatensaus

1/4 Cup Pickled Jalapeņo in plakjes

1/4 Cup zwarte olijven in plakjes

1 Tablespoon kappertjes

eventueel takjes koriander

eventueel partjes limoen
  • Omschrijving recept: Visgerechten; Mexicaans
  • Aantal Porties: 8
  • Bron: Mexican Cooking


For Fish: Arrange fish in 13x9 inch baking pan. Sprinkle with lime juice and salt. Cover. Chill for at least 20 minutes.

For Sauce: Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion, bell pepper and garlic; cook, stirring occasionally, for 1-2 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Add wine; cook for 1 minute.

Stir in salsa, tomato sauce, jalapenos, olives and capers. Bring to a boil.

Place fish in sauce. Reduce heat to low. Cook, covered, for 8-10 minutes or until fish flakes when tested with fork. Serve with cilantro and lime.