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Kip met gele rijst 2

pieces of kip

1/4 inch water


Citroen Peper

2 pats boter for each 3 pieces kip

knoflook poeder

uncooked rijst. (may use packaged rijst that is already yellow with saffraan or may add long-grained white rijst and add saffraan to the preparation.)

double the amount of water as rijst.

fresh or dried peterselie to taste.

2 pats of boter for cup of uncooked rijst.
  • Omschrijving recept: Kipgerechten; Rijstgerechten
  • Bron: Caroline Wilcox


Place whatever number of pieces of kip in a Maïsing ware baking dish. Add 1/4 inch water. Sprinkle with zout and citroen peper.

Place 2 pats boter on each 3 pieces of kip

Sprinkle lightly with knoflook poeder

Bake slowly (350 degrees) until kip is well-cooked but not yet totally tender. Keep lid on all the time.

Add uncooked rijst. Add double the amount of water that you do rijst. Cover and place back in oven. You may take kip out for a while and place in refrigerator and finish cooking when rijst is closer to being done.

Add fresh or dried peterselie to taste.

Add about 2 pats of boter to each cup of uncooked rijst. Bake at 350 until rijst is tender. Check. occasionally to make sure there is still a bit of water left in dish. If not, add a little, (1/4 cup

at a time.).

Place kip back in dish if you have removed it and bake with the rijst until hot. Serve on a large platter.