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Bloody Mary-soep

1 kg rijpe tomaten, gehalveerd

2 rode chilipepers, gehalveerd en zonder zaad

10 g suiker (caster sugar)

30 ml olijfolie

750 ml groentebouillon

15 g tomatenpuree

10 g mierikswortelsaus

30 g droge sherry

60 ml wodka

4 kleine selderijstengels met blad

selderij en zout, of zout en peper

4 dunne plakjes citroen om te garneren
  • Omschrijving recept: Soepen
  • Bron: Ainsley Harriott


1. Pre-heat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas4. Place the tomatoes cut-side up in a large roasting tin with the chillies and sprinkle over the sugar and some salt and pepper. Drizzle over the oil and roast for 30 minutes until softened and nicely browned.

2. Puree the roasted tomatoes in a blender with a little stock until smooth. For a really smooth soup, pass the puree through a sieve into a large pan, otherwise, transfer straight to the pan. Stir in the remaining stock and the tomato puree and heat gently through, without boiling.

3. Stir in the horseradish, sherry and vodka and check the seasoning. Place a celery stalk in each of four bowls and ladle over the soup. Grind over black pepper, float a slice of lemon on each and serve.


"The combination of tomato, vodka and chilli works brilliantly in the classic cocktail and its every bit as good as this dazzling soup - it certainly packs a punch. Its essential that you add the horseradish, sherry and vodka when the soup is off the boil, otherwise youll impair the lovely flavour." Ainsley Harriott